1. Please introduce yourself.
Chance Williams I'm a self-employed software engineer. I'm a lifelong Republican and I am a true compassionate conservative. I genuinely care about people. I've served as: Planning Commission Member, Chairman of Public Safety, and City Council Member, all in Woodland Hills. I was elected to the City Council position as a "write-in" candidate.
2. Why are you running?
I kept reading about all the conflicts of interest the incumbent (Rep Mike Morley) has on his legislation. Also, tired of the "head fakes" on illegal immigration and crime fighting. I want to see real progress.
3. For the challenger: What legislative achievements (can't think of a better word) of your opponents do you most disagree with?
Google on and the web will tell you more than I ever could
mike morley charter
mike morley roof leaks
morley SEC lawsuit
mike morley conflict
mike morley workers
4. Would you favor spending more on education and transportation or a tax cut?
Education needs to move in the direction of technology, so they allow students to progress as fast as they can. This allows teachers to work with the students that need extra help. We can do that without raising taxes. Transportation: Project by project reviews. Need a complete review of Public transportation.
Some buses are packed beyond reason, most are left empty.
5. Would you favor a complete audit of every school district's spending and making that availible to the public?
Audit as needed. Must be public.
6. Who do you admire most in the political world (dead or alive) and why?
Politically: Newt Gingrich. Solid intelligent conservative who knew how to balance a budget.
7. How can a delegate, or potential constituent contact you?
www.ChanceWilliams.com has my email address and phone number: VoteChance@ChanceWilliams.com 801-423-2725
Best wishes,
Chance Williams
Chance Williams would have a better chance of winning if he weren't so negative.
I would love to see you beat Morley just to break up the good old boys club...see article in Deseret News.
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